Do Not Be Ashamed: Pictures and Poems


go ahead, look me in the eye

there’s nothing left to hide

burnished to a polished shine

turned dull

the ache

the ache

let the damn mirror break


do not be ashamed


we all have wounds

where the pain likes to play

a stranger, a soul

someone I didn’t know

not now what I behold

what I see is fire, passion

lightning gold

when thunder rolls

we planted a garden

under the gray


this day is dawning

bathed in moonlight

and night

is no longer the death knell

I may never understand

what it is that drives you

to see me burn

but what I see now

don’t look away




a me, not perfect, but good enough

and where places rubbing rough

is what makes it all interesting

do not be ashamed

you are loved you are claimed


the is the me that was lost


oh how I love you

you are found

do not be afraid

do not be afraid


you are found

you are found


-Melissa Kircher


Pictures and Poems: Lioness

Lionessshe is standing in front of three hundred people

pure energy zinging through her bones

she ducks her head under the wave of a pain swell

only to be met with a wall of water

on the other side

she is trembling, sweating hearing no

and she takes it

she is what roars from the ashes of an agony-charred heart

lightning strikes and her muscles coil—taut

ready to warrior spring

she is learning to pad softly through the thicket

to move in tune with the breath of the air

she is beauty

she is strength

she is a woman finding her voice

only to die to it

she is the village elder who has seen a thousand battles

and finally


understands when to fight and when to tread carefully

like a huntress, and listen

“Lioness” -Melissa Kircher